What I am trying here is to establish a dev blog first, then gradually turn to a portal/home page or my games, so yeah, expect screenshots and many false promises like most dev blogs.
Just a reminder, I have a full time; so expect a slower still on the updates. And English is not my first language; I would appreciate polite nudges in the correct direction, but I find blatant mockery distasteful.
Now that is out of the way, let me list the games I have in mind:
- Metroidvania: still looks very far.
- Mobile Runner + turn based RPG, (currently focusing), looks promising, and I got decent feedback, might release a video soon or so.
- Immortal Online, basically would I think what Mortal Online should’ve been, many ideas, 0 work done.
- HSS+ copy, more standardized art style, few 3d elements, again all ideas 0 work yet.
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